Our Advent celebrations hit some snags last week, but we're picking up some steam now.
3rd Sunday in Advent: We had guests in town for J's birthday and didn't plan an activity for Sunday. We did have our weekly candle lighting at supper.
Monday: The task was to finish the little ornaments the kids were working on, but we got caught up doing other things and didn't get around to it.
Tuesday: Same task as Monday, since we didn't do it, but the kids decided they were not interested.
Wednesday: We were going to make homemade playdough and use it to build snowmen, but ended up doing some Christmas shopping instead. The kids were ok with that and had fun getting the gift for their dad.
Thursday: Turning the week around and getting back on track! We had a lot of fun making our own playdough. It's just flour, salt, and water! The kids played for a long time. R made snowmen and then used cookie cutters to make other shapes. J pretty much just made piles of dough. We let everything harden and now it is all sitting on our table as decoration. Definitely going to do this again!
Saturday: Rice pudding for dessert by the light of the Christmas tree. Then we read a few Christmas books out loud. I'd like this to become a tradition each year.
4th Sunday in Advent: The kids and I spent much of the afternoon baking and frosting sugar cookies. They were both excited to help! That evening we lit the 4th candle during our short supper ceremony.
Tuesday: We plan to drive the kids around town after supper and look at all the house decorations.
After Tuesday I don't have any plans made. We'll be traveling at the end of the week and so maybe we'll have an activity here or there, but we'll just have to see.
I have lots of photos of various gifts I've made for Christmas this year, but we'll see if I get around to posting them before we take off!
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