Our local greenhouse is only open from mid-April to mid-June and they had a huge sale during the final week of business for the season. G checked it out and found a few bargains, including a tomatillo plant for a quarter! It was really overgrown and spindly, so we didn't expect much, but we've had a huge harvest.
We were introduced to tomatillos when we had a CSA share a few years ago. Until this summer, I'd only cooked with them a couple times and have always made the chicken enchilada recipe I posted about on my other blog.
This year we tried canning our own salsa verde. It was our first attempt at canning and we wanted our salsa to be safe, so we used a recipe published by a university extension service.
Today my son and I prepared another group of tomatillos for freezing. We took off the husks, washed them, trimmed any bad spots, boiled them for 10 minutes and then put them into freezer bags.
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